River Bend Boat Club News 7/7/2022
We've attached a Boat Club Election Ballot, Please Vote.
All Youth Fishing Tournament Participants must be at Pavilion #2 next to the Horseshoe pits to sign in at 6:00am Saturday July 9th, 2022 Fishing starts at 6:30am and there will be no sign-ins after 7:00am.
Sunday July 3, 2022 at 4:00 PM was the Last day to Register for the Youth Fishing Tournament.
Saturday July 9th 2022: We have some exciting news! This year is our 20th annual Kid's Fishing Tournament!! We missed a few due to a flood and Covid-19. This year we would love to exceed our highest turnout ever! We will also need boats, Captains & 1st Mates. This annual fishing tournament was started by Gregg Finkel and has become a tradition in the park. I myself have volunteered every single year since the beginning and last year was my 1st year coordinating it. They don't need to bring anything but a fishing pole. We provide them with juice and milk and breakfast snacks. Captains and 1st mates get hooks, bobbers, worms and score sheets. Once the allotted fishing time is up we provide them with Hot Dogs and Hamburgers and drinks. We also serve coffee for the parents who need the cup of Joe. This year we would like to have a dunk tank, cotton candy machine and lots of activities to keep them busy while we tally the scores.
As many of you know the park has had 2 fires this year. In working with Central Dispatch at Berkeley 911 we have had a lock box installed for them to have a boat ramp gate key. They can easily access for water incase of emergencies. We ask that you do not tamper with it, so that if anything that would happen the firemen have the tools to help save a owners possessions or life. We also ask that you tell your children not to tamper with it as well. Many thanks for Chris N Dean Poffenberger for donating his time and supplies to weld the bracket for the box.
July 1st - July 31st voting for RBBC Elections
August 13th- Election results announced
Boat Club Officers:
President: Donald Snider (78/ 27),, 1st Vice President: Sean Hott (79/2), 2nd Vice President: Bobbi Johnson (77/7), Secretary: Billie Jo McTighe (16/13), Treasurer: Heidi Easterday (79/22), 1st Associate Officer: Ray Fair (77/8 & 9),
2nd Associate Officer: Dave Schmitt (77/12)
River Bend Boat Club (RBBC)
RBBC EMAIL ADDRESS: rbbclub@outlook.com
RBBC web page: https://www.riverbendboatclub.com/home
RBBC Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/281246580744