Posted on May 7, 2021 1:47 PM by Webmaster
RBMC HORSESHOE CLUB NEWS Get your first ringer of the year “join the RBMC Horseshoe Club.” Come and enjoy another fun-filled year pitching with us. We have tournaments every Friday evening at 7:00 pm and every Saturday at 1:00 pm. Some are partners (bring your own) tournaments and some are draw tournaments, please check your schedule. All are welcomed, you do not have to join the club to participate in the tournaments but we would love to have you as a member. Tournaments are $6.00. At the end of the season, the club holds a “Partners Cash Tournament” and we will have a Pot Luck luncheon. You MUST be a member to participate in these activities. To join the club there is a $20 Administration Fee. Please see Stacey Orye or one of the officers if you are interested in joining. Please check out our page on the River Bend site. Our 2021 schedule will be posted there for your convenience. If you have any questions click on the link “contact us” at the bottom of the page. We will follow up with you in a reasonable time. We also have a Facebook page - River Bend Horseshoe club (R.B.M.C) - which will keep you up to date with our activities. 5/07/2021 - 7:00 pm - Draw Tournament (sign-up at 6:45) 5/08/2021 –11:00am – All Members Meeting 12:00pm – Pitch-Off #2 – this is played round-robin partners tournament (counting ringers only) Draw and Partner Tournaments are open to all; the cost is $6 to enter. If you are interested in joining the Horseshoe Club please come up to pits and see one of the officers. 2021 Officers: President – Chad Orye Vice President – Dave Barber Secretary – Amanda Harman Treasure – Stacey Orye 2021 Board Members: Roxy Myers Sean Alexander Jimmy Sieg Ron Summers Paul Brunner