Horseshoe Club
Posted on July 8, 2021 4:14 PM by Webmaster
Our Weekend Schedule – 7/09/2021 – Tournament Prep @ 6:00pm (the tournament prep is intended for those that are pitching on the River Bend Horseshoe Club’s team Saturday, if you are pitching please come up to the pits at 6:00pm so we can get things ready. Also, see Dave Barber to pay your portion of the tournament cost If time permits we will have a SHORT partners tournament afterwards. 7/10/2021 – INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT (ALL DAY) – Please come up and show your support for the River Bend Horseshoe Club pitchers. We will start pitching at 9am sharp. If you are pitching in the tournament, we ask that you are up at the pits by 7am to help get everything set up and ready to go