Youth Fishing Tournament
Posted on July 7, 2021 4:38 PM by Webmaster
Sunday July 4, Last day to turn in registration forms or the Youth Fishing Tournament. Turn in no later than 4pm to any RBBC officer. (If we do not have enough interest in attendance it will be cancelled.)
Saturday July 10, 6am River Bend Boat Clubs Youth Fishing Tournament. Sign-in 6-6:30am at Pavilion 2 by the horseshoe pits. Fishing 6:30-10am. Contact a Boat Club Officer, for your registration form.
The River Bend Boat Club is looking for Captains, First Mates and Volunteers  to help with the Youth Fishing Tournament Saturday July 10, 2021 from 6:00am until Noon. If you can help, please contact a Boat Club officer or email us at, . (If we do not have enough interest in Helping it will be cancelled.)
Thank You, RBBC.