Security Report Security hopes everyone has a great Memorial weekend. In preparation for this holiday weekend, we have a few friendly reminders...
•Make sure all your guests have passes for the days that they will be staying in the park.
•Ensure those same guests understand the rules and regulations of the park and how those rules can turn into violations and pricey fines for the lot owners.
•Try to beat the rush of everyone coming into the office to get passes all at once.
•IF you have children and teenagers, please do not leave them unattended and ensure they know the road rules and road safety.
•You must be 16 or older in order to drive UTVs unsupervised.
•You must be 12 yr older with a golf cart license to drive unsupervised in the park.
•Please make sure that those that are 12 display their license on a lanyard around their neck for security to easily identify.
Please keep in mind security will be extremely busy over this holiday weekend. It is very important to have patience with us and any new officers. As many of you are aware our scanners are at the end of their usable life. We do have new ones on order, but they are a specialty scanner. We cannot simply plug in any scanner and hope it works. These scanners are specific to the program we use (Easy Lobby) and such are not as easy to have replaced. Because of this, it is very important to have your badges out and at the ready so security can quickly verify you or anyone in your vehicle. Please be patient and we will get you through as quickly as possible. While on that subject if you have guests that are coming in and out regularly, make sure they have their passes on them.
On another note, as I have stated in past newsletters one of our officers, Dennis Peterson has recently undergone serious surgeries and we almost lost an important part of the team. IF you have any donations to help him and his family, please do so by donating to him, a board member, or myself. Every little bit goes a long way. Thank you so much to those that have donated and to those that will. We hope everyone has a safe and fun-filled weekend! Thomas Zimmerman