Security Report
Posted on July 8, 2021 4:12 PM by Webmaster
Another holiday has come & gone. We would like to thank Larry and all of maintenance for helping security over the 4th of July. Also, a big thank you to Karen Manning of traffic & safety as well as Allen Kuehling for helping at the fireworks display. Numerous violations were written over the holiday weekend, and we are still going through the camera footage from the compacter to identify anyone dumping illegally and write citations accordingly. PLEASE REMEMBER anyone under 18 needs to wear a helmet on a mini-bike. Please remember the speed limit in the park is 10mph. We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable time whether its on the weekend or thru the week. As always if you need security or witness anything that you think security should be aware of call 304-274-0052.Have a safe & fun weekend