This Weekend Christmas In July
Posted on July 16, 2021 7:54 AM by Webmaster
Santa is coming to Riverbend this year on Saturday, July 17th, 2021, at the Lower Ranger Station. Doors will open at 12 noon for children ages 10 years old and younger. Come sit on Santa's chair and tell him how good you have been and maybe he will have a gift for you. This is always a big event at River Bend, so bring the kids and your cameras and enjoy. Candy stockings will be given to toddlers age and up, gifts, and door prizes for children of all ages. The rec committee will provide hot dogs, chips, and a drink to the children only. Raffle tickets will be sold to help defray the cost. This event is strictly an all-donation event not a cost to the membership. We are in need of volunteers for Friday evening at 7 pm to help decorate. This will take only 1 hour or less based on the number of helpers. Please help us continue with this event and make this years' event just as successful as years past. Santa is looking forward to meeting you.
footnote: Last minute helper dropout for Saturday. Looking for 2 people to help with the event on Saturday. Meet at the lower level ranger station at 11:30
Santa is coming to Riverbend this year on Saturday, July 17th, 2021, at the Lower Ranger Station. Doors will open 12 noon for children ages 10 years old and younger. Come sit on Santa's chair and tell him how good you have been and maybe he will have a gift for you. This is always a big event at River Bend, so bring the kids and your cameras and enjoy. Candy stockings will be given to toddler age and up, gifts, and door prizes for children of all ages. The rec committee will provide hot dogs, chips and a drink to the children only. Raffle tickets will be sold to help defray the cost. This event is strictly an all-donation event not a cost to the membership. We are in need of volunteers for Friday evening at 7 pm to help decorate. This will take only 1 hour or less based on the number of helpers. Please help us continue with this event and make this years' event just as successful as years past. Santa is looking forward to meeting you.