Boat Club
Posted on September 10, 2021 11:47 PM by Webmaster
River Bend Boat Club would like to thank all those Boat Club Members and Non-Boat Club Members who helped remove boats and docks from the river over the several days that it took to get them out, there was some frustration on how long the line was to get them out, but everyone worked together to get it done. Thank you all River Bend Boat Club (RBBC)
New Boat Club Website:
Those wishing to renew or join the Boat Club you will need contact a Boat Club Officer listed below at their lot on any weekend from 10:00am to 6:00pm.
Boat Club Officers: President: Donald Snider (78/ 27), Phone: 410- 294-0380 1st Vice President: Sean Hott (79/2), 2nd Vice President: Bobbi Johnson (77/7), Secretary: Billie Jo McTighe (16/13), Treasurer: Heidi Easterday (79/22), 1st Associate Officer: Ray Fair (77/8 & 9), 2nd Associate Officer: Dave Schmitt (77/12)
New Boat Club Website: