Posted on May 7, 2021 6:48 PM by Webmaster
A&E Permits REQUIRED! Before you construct, replace or place a shed, put a retaining wall, dig, build a fence, etc.  A stop-work order will be placed if caught without the appropriate permits and the lot owner is subject to fines and responsible for any damages caused.
Posted on May 7, 2021 6:38 PM by Webmaster
Maintenance will mark utility lines as close as possible, however, it is not guaranteed.  Hand dig within 3 feet of either side of the marking.  Lot owner is responsible for any damage caused when digging.
Posted on May 7, 2021 6:26 PM by Webmaster
We can not dispose of these items without being charged by the County.   Take them and dispose of them appropriately.  If you dump in the Park/Trash Yard you will be fined and made to remove the items.  
Posted on May 7, 2021 6:01 PM by Webmaster
On or around 4/28/21 a camper was spray-painted on Block 5.  We are seeking any information or video of the incident. If you have cameras in the area, please review so we can hold whoever damaged the property responsible.   Please report any information to Security.
Posted on May 7, 2021 2:44 PM by Webmaster
Due to acts of vandalism to our bathhouses, All bathhouses will now be closed at 10 pm. Bathhouse #1 will remain open 24hours
Posted on May 7, 2021 2:20 PM by Webmaster
Hard to believe we are a month into the 2021 Season.  The Annual Meeting is about a month away.  We look forward to seeing everyone at the Annual Meeting.   As you are aware many important issues are discussed and voted on during the Annual Meeting.  This is the membership meeting, if you have something in which you would like to address before the membership please sign up to be added to the Agenda in the office.   
We hired two Admin Assistants for the front office, Crysta and Samantha, please welcome them into our Park and be patient while they are training.  Delores and Keely are still in the front office.  At times, due to staffing, the office may close for lunch between 12:30‐1.  
I would like to announce that we hired a new General Manager, Brian Presley.  Brian has a Master’s in Business Administration and successfully ran his own company for years.  Unfortunately, COVID caused his business to close.    Brian is eager to learn the uniqueness of River Bend.  Please give him a warm welcome.
Have a wonderful week!  Jen Bein
Posted on May 7, 2021 1:57 PM by Webmaster
Members, Thank you for this opportunity; I'm very excited to join and lead the team of River Bend Membership Corporation. I owned and operated my own business for the past 10 years, which unfortunately closed due to Covid‐19. I completed my Master's in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix; I plan to use my experience and education for the betterment of the park. I have lived in Falling Waters for the past 11 years right down the street from the park. I grew up just across the Potomac River in Washington County, MD. I have been married to my wife for 9 years and we have 5 children. I hope to continue to develop the family‐friendly environment of the park, look forward to servicing this community and getting to know all of you; thanks for welcoming me!
Posted on May 7, 2021 1:53 PM by Webmaster
River Bend Boat Club News The Boat Clubs Picnic will be in June this year NOT August. The Boat Club Picnic is Saturday June 26, 2021, 12-2PM at PAVILION 2 BY THE HORSESHOE PITS. Advanced reservations are required by June 19, for the RBBC Picnic. See any Boat Club Officer to reserve your spot. Tickets are $10 per Boat Club member and their kids under 18, which will be refunded in full if you attend the picnic or cancel prior to June 19. Tickets for guests (non-Boat Club members) are $15, which is not refunded unless you cancel prior to June 19.
Please read the following info regarding the upcoming key exchange guidelines........Renewal Covid Guidelines…Due to Covid 19 the Boat Club is taking precaution to protect all members. If the Health Department would happen to make restrictions on the park opening any key exchange during those dates will be cancelled. We ask that you social distance yourself from others while in line waiting. We ask that you wear a mask when you approach the table with a RBBC officer. (We are going to be mostly outside) If possible, please bring a downloaded renewal form or pick up a clip board and have filled out before approaching the table. Please be sure you have the application, your park pass, money (checks are made out to RBBC) and your old key. We CAN NOT accept your application without ALL of the items so please be sure you have them before approaching the table. Thank you so much for your cooperation.
RIVER BEND BOAT CLUB 2021 LIST OF EVENTS Saturday May 15, 10am-Noon. Membership renewal and key exchange at the parking lot by the guard shack. Saturday, May 15, (Tentative Date) (Should flooding be a problem will reschedule for the following Saturday, May 22) RBBC dock will be put in the river weather permitting. Sunday June 13, 10am-Noon. Membership renewal and key exchange at the parking lot by the guard shack. Saturday June 19, Advanced reservations are required by June 19, for the RBBC Picnic. See any Boat Club Officer to reserve your spot. Saturday June 26, 12-2pm. RBBC Picnic at Pavilion 2 by the horseshoe pits. Sunday July 4, Last day to turn in registration forms for the Youth Fishing Tournament. Turn in no later than 4pm to any RBBC officer. (If we do not have enough interest in attendance it will be cancelled.) Friday July 9, 6pm. Meeting at Heidi Easterday's lot 79/22 to prepare for the fishing tournament. Saturday July 10, 6am Youth Fishing Tournament. Sign-in 6-6:30am at Pavilion 2 by the horseshoe pits. Fishing 6:30-10am.
RBBC Email address: RBBCRIVERBEND@AOL.COM RBBC web page: RBBC Facebook Page:!/group.php?gid=281246580744
Posted on May 7, 2021 1:47 PM by Webmaster
RBMC HORSESHOE CLUB NEWS Get your first ringer of the year “join the RBMC Horseshoe Club.” Come and enjoy another fun-filled year pitching with us. We have tournaments every Friday evening at 7:00 pm and every Saturday at 1:00 pm. Some are partners (bring your own) tournaments and some are draw tournaments, please check your schedule. All are welcomed, you do not have to join the club to participate in the tournaments but we would love to have you as a member. Tournaments are $6.00. At the end of the season, the club holds a “Partners Cash Tournament” and we will have a Pot Luck luncheon. You MUST be a member to participate in these activities. To join the club there is a $20 Administration Fee. Please see Stacey Orye or one of the officers if you are interested in joining. Please check out our page on the River Bend site. Our 2021 schedule will be posted there for your convenience. If you have any questions click on the link “contact us” at the bottom of the page. We will follow up with you in a reasonable time. We also have a Facebook page - River Bend Horseshoe club (R.B.M.C) - which will keep you up to date with our activities. 5/07/2021 - 7:00 pm - Draw Tournament (sign-up at 6:45) 5/08/2021 –11:00am – All Members Meeting 12:00pm – Pitch-Off #2 – this is played round-robin partners tournament (counting ringers only) Draw and Partner Tournaments are open to all; the cost is $6 to enter. If you are interested in joining the Horseshoe Club please come up to pits and see one of the officers. 2021 Officers: President – Chad Orye Vice President – Dave Barber Secretary – Amanda Harman Treasure – Stacey Orye 2021 Board Members: Roxy Myers Sean Alexander Jimmy Sieg Ron Summers Paul Brunner
Posted on May 7, 2021 1:41 PM by Webmaster
Hello Riverbend!  Security hopes everyone is having a good season so far.  We really appreciate those of you that care about the park and are actively taking a role in keeping the park safe.   I would like to take a moment to again remind members about the seriousness of abusing the compactor area.  We have been having issues with members dumping illegal materials in the burn pit.  If you are not sure what you can put in the burn pile, please ask security or maintenance before doing so.  Something that you might think is ok to burn, could be something that once starts burning, could put off toxic fumes to those who live nearest the burn pit.  Further, some items can burn intensely for hours, catching nearby woodland areas on fire as well.  We have issued quite a few violations for these infractions of policy lately.  If you are dumping illegally, rest assured you have a violation in the mail.  We may not catch you in the act but our surveillance system will, and the fine is hefty.  It doesn’t pay to cut corners when others' health and safety are on the line.  Please be courteous and follow River bends policies, they are in place for everyone’s safety. On a lighter note, one of our senior guards, Dennis Peterson Sr, is back to work after a long stay in the hospital for health issues.  Please welcome him back, if you have donations for him or his family you can give them to a board member, myself, or Dennis himself.   On a final note, please make sure your information in our systems is up to date.  We have been trying to contact members over various issues recently but they either have no number listed or the information is outdated.  We hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend! Thomas Zimmerman
Posted on May 6, 2021 4:43 PM by Webmaster
Open BOD meeting 5/8/2021, Saturday, 10:00 am Lower Ranger Station.
Posted on May 5, 2021 4:55 AM by Webmaster
Store. Bar. Sunday Funday Menu. Entertainment. What's Happening? Weekend Specials. Regular Menu.
Posted on May 4, 2021 3:36 PM by Webmaster
Posted on May 4, 2021 3:34 PM by Webmaster
Hazardous Weather
Posted on May 4, 2021 6:23 AM by Webmaster
Posted on May 4, 2021 4:14 AM by Webmaster
Saturday, June 12th @ 11 am
Ball Field (weather permitting
Posted on May 4, 2021 3:54 AM by Webmaster
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