Posted on August 15, 2021 3:02 PM by Webmaster
Board Election Ballot
Posted on July 24, 2021 10:36 AM by Webmaster
Due to the current conversion from Caliber to Quick Books, currently there is not a Treasurer’s Report. Thank you, Sandi Kline Mortimer, Treasurer
Posted on July 24, 2021 9:15 AM by Webmaster
Posted on July 24, 2021 3:38 AM by Webmaster
Posted on July 16, 2021 7:54 AM by Webmaster
Santa is coming to Riverbend this year on Saturday, July 17th, 2021, at the Lower Ranger Station. Doors will open at 12 noon for children ages 10 years old and younger. Come sit on Santa's chair and tell him how good you have been and maybe he will have a gift for you. This is always a big event at River Bend, so bring the kids and your cameras and enjoy. Candy stockings will be given to toddlers age and up, gifts, and door prizes for children of all ages. The rec committee will provide hot dogs, chips, and a drink to the children only. Raffle tickets will be sold to help defray the cost. This event is strictly an all-donation event not a cost to the membership. We are in need of volunteers for Friday evening at 7 pm to help decorate. This will take only 1 hour or less based on the number of helpers. Please help us continue with this event and make this years' event just as successful as years past. Santa is looking forward to meeting you.
footnote: Last minute helper dropout for Saturday. Looking for 2 people to help with the event on Saturday. Meet at the lower level ranger station at 11:30
Santa is coming to Riverbend this year on Saturday, July 17th, 2021, at the Lower Ranger Station. Doors will open 12 noon for children ages 10 years old and younger. Come sit on Santa's chair and tell him how good you have been and maybe he will have a gift for you. This is always a big event at River Bend, so bring the kids and your cameras and enjoy. Candy stockings will be given to toddler age and up, gifts, and door prizes for children of all ages. The rec committee will provide hot dogs, chips and a drink to the children only. Raffle tickets will be sold to help defray the cost. This event is strictly an all-donation event not a cost to the membership. We are in need of volunteers for Friday evening at 7 pm to help decorate. This will take only 1 hour or less based on the number of helpers. Please help us continue with this event and make this years' event just as successful as years past. Santa is looking forward to meeting you.
Posted on July 9, 2021 6:36 AM by Webmaster
Posted on July 8, 2021 4:16 PM by Webmaster
On behalf of the office staff, we would like to give a shout out to several lot owners for keeping us smiling! First, Burnie Smith for dedicated his day to cater to not only the office staff, but also maintenance and security on July 4th. Theresa Zimmerli, Mike and Dolly Maus, Tim Angles and Anna Lookingbill, for always surprising the office staff with food and desserts! Lastly, we would like to thank everyone that practiced patience with us during the busy weekend, as well as security for helping us create over a thousand passes for the holiday. If you are planning a event that will inquire several passes and of course need passes for Labor Day please consider getting passes premade!
Posted on July 8, 2021 4:14 PM by Webmaster
Our Weekend Schedule – 7/09/2021 – Tournament Prep @ 6:00pm (the tournament prep is intended for those that are pitching on the River Bend Horseshoe Club’s team Saturday, if you are pitching please come up to the pits at 6:00pm so we can get things ready. Also, see Dave Barber to pay your portion of the tournament cost If time permits we will have a SHORT partners tournament afterwards. 7/10/2021 – INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT (ALL DAY) – Please come up and show your support for the River Bend Horseshoe Club pitchers. We will start pitching at 9am sharp. If you are pitching in the tournament, we ask that you are up at the pits by 7am to help get everything set up and ready to go
Posted on July 8, 2021 4:12 PM by Webmaster
Another holiday has come & gone. We would like to thank Larry and all of maintenance for helping security over the 4th of July. Also, a big thank you to Karen Manning of traffic & safety as well as Allen Kuehling for helping at the fireworks display. Numerous violations were written over the holiday weekend, and we are still going through the camera footage from the compacter to identify anyone dumping illegally and write citations accordingly. PLEASE REMEMBER anyone under 18 needs to wear a helmet on a mini-bike. Please remember the speed limit in the park is 10mph. We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable time whether its on the weekend or thru the week. As always if you need security or witness anything that you think security should be aware of call 304-274-0052.Have a safe & fun weekend
Posted on July 8, 2021 4:10 PM by Webmaster
Open Board Meeting on Saturday 10AM in Lower Ranger Station
Jackie Minnick has accepted the General Manager position. Jackie was General Manager in 2014/2015 and knows River Bend and the uniqueness of our community. Her extensive knowledge of Quick Books and Budgeting will ensure correct documentation and record keeping. Please welcome Jackie back to our community!
Posted on July 8, 2021 3:58 PM by Webmaster
Come join us July 11th Gary Milburn Any questions call: Pastor Gene Bowman 443-570-8419
Posted on July 8, 2021 3:23 PM by Webmaster
In maintenance this week we have completed 247 pump outs. In plumbing, we fixed several sewer jobs and water leaks. So, if anyone has any questions about there sewer, please stop at the maintenance yard and ask me Larry j will be more than happy to explain everything to anyone. I do want to apologize for the people that had to wait on there pump out this week. Both pump out drivers are new, please everyone be patient I am working on the problem. So, from here on out we should not have any more issues with pump outs. Also, please sign up at the guard shack for the pump outs. Please sign up yourself we are not allowing the security staff to sign you up because I don’t want them getting blamed for not signing everyone up. This is for your benefit only. If anyone had any more problems, please come find me and together we can solve the problem. I apologize again for everyone that had issues with the pump truck. I will get everything worked out. I hope everyone has a great stay here and be safe. Without you all there would be no park so thank you to everyone! You make Riverbend a good place to be and work for.
Posted on July 8, 2021 3:19 PM by Webmaster
General Manager Report HI! My name is Jackie Minnick, and I am the new General Manager for RBMC. I officially started July 5 so I am still getting caught up on everything. I worked in the same capacity in 2014 and helped for a few months in 2015. I look forward to getting to know you and I look forward to all the special things RBMC has to offer its members.
Posted on July 8, 2021 2:44 PM by Webmaster
Great Train Robbery Band on July 24th 5:30 PM at Pavilion 2
Posted on July 8, 2021 2:30 PM by Webmaster
Posted on July 7, 2021 4:38 PM by Webmaster
Sunday July 4, Last day to turn in registration forms or the Youth Fishing Tournament. Turn in no later than 4pm to any RBBC officer. (If we do not have enough interest in attendance it will be cancelled.)
Saturday July 10, 6am River Bend Boat Clubs Youth Fishing Tournament. Sign-in 6-6:30am at Pavilion 2 by the horseshoe pits. Fishing 6:30-10am. Contact a Boat Club Officer, for your registration form.
The River Bend Boat Club is looking for Captains, First Mates and Volunteers  to help with the Youth Fishing Tournament Saturday July 10, 2021 from 6:00am until Noon. If you can help, please contact a Boat Club officer or email us at, . (If we do not have enough interest in Helping it will be cancelled.)
Thank You, RBBC.
Posted on July 7, 2021 3:12 PM by Webmaster
New Boat Club Website:
The Boat Clubs Picnic will be in June this year NOT August.
The Boat Club Picnic is Saturday June 26, 2021, 12-2PM at PAVILION 2 BY THE HORSESHOE PITS.
Advanced reservations are required by June 19, for the RBBC Picnic. See any Boat Club Officer to reserve your spot. 
     Tickets are $10 per Boat Club member and their kids under 18, which will be refunded in full if you attend the picnic or cancel prior to June 19.
   Tickets for guests (non-Boat Club members) are $15, which is not refunded unless you cancel prior to June 19.
Sunday July 4, Last day to turn in registration forms for the Youth Fishing Tournament. Turn in no later than 4pm to any RBBC officer. (If we do not have enough interest in attendance it will be cancelled.)
Saturday July 10, 6am River Bend Boat Clubs Youth Fishing Tournament. Sign-in 6-6:30am at Pavilion 2 by the horseshoe pits. Fishing 6:30-10am. Contact a Boat Club Officer, for your registration form.
The River Bend Boat Club is looking for Captains, First Mates and Volunteers to help with the Youth Fishing Tournament Saturday July 10, 2021 from 6:00am until Noon. If you can help, please contact a Boat Club officer or email us at, . (If we do not have enough interest in Helping it will be cancelled.)
Thank You, RBBC.
Boat Club Officers:
President: Donald Snider  (78/ 27), Phone: 410-294-0380
1st Vice President: Sean Hott  (79/2),  2nd Vice President: Bobbi Johnson  (77/7),  Secretary: Billie Jo McTighe  (16/13),  Treasurer: Heidi Easterday  (79/22),  1st Associate Officer: Ray Fair  (77/8 & 9),  2nd Associate Officer: Dave Schmitt (77/12)
New Boat Club Website:
RBBC Facebook Page:!/group.php?gid=281246580744
Posted on July 2, 2021 1:57 PM by Webmaster
Posted on June 28, 2021 2:22 PM by Webmaster
Posted on June 24, 2021 3:57 PM by Webmaster
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