Badges & Passes
***  This page must be edited by the General Manager to reflect 2022 Pass Policy. ***
Outdated 9/11/2021
River Bend RV Park is a gated community and has in place certain procedures for access to the park for owners as well as their guests, renters, vendors, or contractors.
Property owners in-good-standing are entitled to two (2) lot owner badges on an assessable lot.  Additional owners, whose names are on the deed, may purchase a property owner badge for $15.00 per year.
Property owners in-good-standing are allowed to purchase up to five (10) season passes per assessable lot for friends and unlimited for family. Pricing is as follows:
Adults 16 and up Passes 1-5 $20.00
                         Passes 6-10 $40.00
Ages 6-15 $10.00
Guests will need to purchase visitor passes through the lot owner, costing $5 per person for a day pass that expires 24 hours from entry, $10.00 per person for 48 hours, and $20.00 per person for a 72 hour holiday weekend.  The lot owner must purchase these passes.  They are active beginning immediately upon check-in time. 
Please remember - Season Pass holders are not permitted to purchase Visitor Passes.
Property owners in-good-standing may request a Vendor Pass for a person or company performing work on their lot.  Vendors must have a current business license and Certificate of Insurance on file in the office for a Vendor Pass to be issued.  Vendors will not be admitted to deliver supplies for, nor perform work, that has not been approved by the A&E committee where applicable. 
It is imperative that Members remember that they personally are responsible for the actions of their season pass holders, guests, and/or vendors.