By-laws Review Committee
Announcements Made By The By-Law Committee
Outdated 9/11/2021

CHARTER:  The RBMC By-Laws Review Committee is a standing committee of the RBMC in accordance with
    RBMC By-Law 5.12 – By-Laws Review Committee.
MISSION STATEMENT:  The committee is charged with conducting periodic reviews of the RBMC By-Laws.
    This review will include, but is not limited to:
  • Ensuring the by-laws are in congruence and compliance with existing West Virginia Code and the RBMC Covenants & Restrictions.
  • Researching and reviewing applications of said by-laws to current business and social practices and where deemed necessary by said committee, make recommendations for change, amendment, the addition of new, and/or deletion of existing by-laws.
Chairperson: Danny Clark
Member: Jerry Roberts
Member: Mac Thacker
WV Code 31E Non-profit Corporation
WV Code 36B Common Interest Community
Next Meeting-> TBD
 Any Park member who would like to participate in the committee is welcome to attend. It is recommended any member planning on attending should either pick up a copy of the updated by-laws in the Office or download it from the River Bend Park website where it can be found under “Documents and Forms” on the left-hand navigation bar.
Meeting Minutes
Current season (2020) meeting minutes can be found by clicking the member's tab > documents file cabinet > meeting minutes current season > committees > By-Laws Committee
Prior season meeting minutes can be found by clicking the member's tab > documents file cabinet > archive > committee meetings > BLRC > minutes