Note: our Newsletter deadline to receive articles, photos, and news items is the 23d of the month as we try to make sure each edition is complete on the 26th and ready to publish. We can always upload your item after the deadline, (a benefit of electronic publishing) if circumstances warrant.
We do not accept letters to the Board, items for sale or trade, and commercially oriented items, including any business advertising.
Your articles will be edited and proof-read for correct grammar, usage, and punctuation. We ask you to limit your submission to around 500 words.
If you want to submit any story, column, article, or any other written item, just open up a new email to, put BULLETIN/NEWSLETTER/WEBPAGE in the subject line, type your article in the body of the email, and send it. That’s it. We cannot guarantee it will be published. We can guarantee it will be edited, if necessary. We cannot accept documents, such as Word, PDF, or Pages, as attachments.
If you have an event you would like to add to the Calendar (, then send the date and time to, put CALENDAR in the subject line.
If you have photographs (jpgs) to submit, open up a new email, address it to, put PHOTO in the subject line, and attach your photo or photos to the email. If the photos are not part of an article please include some information and description in the body of the email. The file size should not exceed 1mb. Please limit the number of photographs submitted to 12. Photos must meet minimum photographic standards and may not be accepted if they are out of focus or over/underexposed.
Feature articles and photos reporting on an event (such as results of a recent Membership Dues Drawing or Christmas In July) should be submitted by the next week. Items of immediate interest to the community should be submitted in the body of an email to Please put RBMC-NEWS in the subject line.
Submission Q&As:
Q: I write a regular, monthly column for the bulletin. How should I submit it?
A: Just send it in the body of an email to Put BULLETIN in the subject line. Do it before the 23rd of the month.
Q: I have a "news" item I think would be of interest to members. What should I do?
A: Just send it in an email to Put NEWS in the subject line. Do it before the 23rd of the month. We can't guarantee we will run it.
Q: I have an article in Word, Pages, or Publisher document. Can I send that?
A: No. It's best if you copy the text and paste it in an email to We cannot accept the documents as attachments.
Q: I have some photos I took. How do I submit those?
A: Make sure the photos are not larger than 1 mb or smaller than 800kb. Limit your submission to about six photos. Make a zip file or just attach the photos to your email to Be sure to put PHOTOS in the subject line and to include some explanation and descriptions in the body of the email (date taken, circumstances, identities of people, etc).