Email open rates are roughly 20 percent, text messages have an open rate of 98 percent. Niew in 2021, River Bend Text_Alert is a very basic service providing notification via Short Message Service (Text).
River Bend alert messaging (Text_Alert) is RBMC-to-member communication that the General Manager determines is important or time-sensitive. 
Texting comes pre-built on mobile phones and, unlike email, is available at the river even without a WiFi connection, which makes texting a more accessible medium for members. Unlike emails, texts aren't buried underneath spam.
To sign up and receive "Text_Alerts"
  1. Log onto the https://www.riverbendrvpark.org
  2. Update your "Profile" https://www.riverbendrvpark.org/sl_update.php
  3. Add a Mobile Number to receive text messages https://www.riverbendrvpark.org/sl_update.php