Security Status Update
Posted on Apr 16th, 2021

Security hopes everyone is getting settled in nicely for this season.  If it’s your first weekend back, welcome back!  We would like to go
over a few common issues that security has been running into the past few weeks.  Firstly, is the mini bikes.  We know that they can
be a problem in the park, but we don’t want to punish those that are abiding by the policies for a few that are ruining it for others.  
Stopping this issue starts with the parents.  Please ensure that your children know the park policies, but also basic driving habits, such
as stopping at stop signs, yielding, speed limit, wearing a helmet ect..  If you are new or not sure what the policies are, be sure to
swing by the office and pick up a copy of those policies.   More often than not when security writes a violation for mini-bike-related
issues they usually don’t even know what the policies are.   Above all make sure your child is wearing a helmet, anyone under the age
of 18 has to wear a helmet.
As I stated in last week’s newsletter, there has been a lot of illegal dumping in the compactor area.  Please do not
just throw your trash on the ground.  IF the compactor is full, please be courteous and notify security or maintenance and we will run
it right away.  Also please remember if you have larger items that you want to throw into the open-top dumpsters you must go to the
office first and pay the fee.  It is not ok to throw tires and couches next to the dumpster and security will heavily fine those that are
doing so.  Cameras are set up throughout the compactor to prevent this.  Also, if you do pay the office for dumping, please notify
security so we are aware that you have been cleared to do so.

If you have any concerns or issues that you wish to discuss with security about security-related issues, please don’t
hesitate to swing by security and pick up a member concern form and leave it and I’ll contact you as soon as possible.  If we cannot
satisfy your request, I will set up a meeting with my supervisor pending availability.  Remember we are here for you and if we can help
in any way, please just reach out to us, thanks!
Thomas Zimmerman